The Motherhood Collective Waitlist


Are you ready to redefine what work/life balance looks like for you and do motherhood your way?

What if I told you work/life balance was a lie?

That the traditional concept of “having it all” isn’t actually all it’s cracked up to be (if having it all means feeling constantly burnt out from stress and making ourselves sick in order to achieve it ‘all’ in every aspect of our lives).

You don’t have to be stuck in a cycle of trying to do it all, all the time.


Being able to break free from the vicious people pleasing cycle and learning to say “no” confidently to what isn’t aligned for you and “trying to do it all”

Having the confidence to go against the norm of trying to do it all and finally saying “yes” to making yourself happy, making time for your wellbeing and self-care, and having regular date nights with your partner

Having a new definition of success at work and at home. Knowing who you are and who you want to be, you’ll finally understand by entering into motherhood you’ve stepped into a different or even new version of yourself

Feeling more ease and less guilt about how you’re choosing to live your life, all because you have a newfound definition of success. You finally feel more in control and intentional about how you choose to spend your time. You feel happy in the day-to-day work/home life.

Feeling grounded in who you are and who you desire to be in the future. You take care of yourself and create time and space to pursue interests that matter to you

Being able to let go of things that don’t serve your higher purpose and do motherhood on your terms

In just 8 weeks

You could have the tools you need to:


Navigate your shifting identity and figure out what you want out of life and your career


Design a new version of “balance” for your work and family life that actually works


Redefine success in your career and life based on your values, your priorities, and the season of motherhood you’re currently in

I don’t need to know more, that’s me!

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING about working with me...

“Before starting The Motherhood Collective I was starting to feel like I was losing my sense of purpose and direction in life, and I didn’t know how to regain it.  I felt completely blank and anxious every day (for the first time in my life) and confused because I just didn’t know what I wanted anymore.  It was such a breath of deliciously fresh air to have a fellow mama speaking my lingo, live my experience and understand what I was feeling and thinking as I experienced motherhood for the first time, and then navigated my return to work after maternity leave.  The feeling that Andrea not only knows, but can provide me with a map to help me navigate my experiences in my own way was SO empowering.  Andrea helped to validate my feelings and taught me how to start every day with a new mindset and how to take time for myself without guilt.”

– Melissa.


WHAT THEY ARE SAYING about working with me...

“Before starting The Motherhood Collective I was starting to feel like I was losing my sense of purpose and direction in life, and I didn’t know how to regain it.  I felt completely blank and anxious every day (for the first time in my life) and confused because I just didn’t know what I wanted anymore.  It was such a breath of deliciously fresh air to have a fellow mama speaking my lingo, live my experience and understand what I was feeling and thinking as I experienced motherhood for the first time, and then navigated my return to work after maternity leave.  The feeling that Andrea not only knows, but can provide me with a map to help me navigate my experiences in my own way was SO empowering.  Andrea helped to validate my feelings and taught me how to start every day with a new mindset and how to take time for myself without guilt.”

– Melissa.


WHAT THEY ARE SAYING about working with me...

“I joined The Motherhood Collective to find coping mechanisms and a reassurance that I wasn’t the only one that felt like they were drowning in motherhood or that I was always one step behind.  Andrea was a great asset in my journey of becoming a new working mum.  She gave me the language and tools that helped me find patience with myself during this time of adjustment and growth.  I’ve learnt that I don’t have to be Superwoman and I am much more at peace being a mum returning to work that doesn’t have to try to do it all, all of the time”.

– Yining 

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING about working with me...

“I signed up for The Motherhood Collective to learn more about myself and who I was since becoming a mother.  I needed to learn how to let go of controlling everything and feeling the need to do everything for my daughter on my own and let my partner actually in on the parenting.  There are so many things about motherhood that you go along with without really questioning “why”.  The Motherhood Collective course, and Andrea, unlock those questions and allow you to really look inward, help to shed any negativity, and become the mum you want to be.  Through this program I learned that I wasn’t the only one who was so hard on themself, and that the mental load is real and some things really do need to be offloaded and that’s okay.  Meeting with the other women weekly and hearing their stories and life experiences made me realize I’m not the only one who feels the challenges of motherhood.” 

– Leah


WHAT THEY ARE SAYING about working with me...

“I started this program to get a better understanding of my journey into motherhood and to develop the skills to learn how to take care of myself better in this busy life.  I was feeling a big loss of my identity and was overwhelmed by motherhood before working with Andrea.  I loved being part of The Motherhood Collective program and I have learnt so much about myself as a woman and my journey into motherhood. Andrea helped build my confidence by stripping away old limiting beliefs, and showing me how to honor my needs in life and implementing regular self care to improve my mindset. Motherhood now seems less overwhelming.”

– Danella


WHAT THEY ARE SAYING about working with me...

“I joined The Motherhood Collective when I was feeling overwhelmed as a full-time working mom.  I needed help controlling all the stress coming from different parts of my life, and a way to address the constant feelings of being overwhelmed.  Understanding matrescence and how the process of becoming a mother has impacted my experience at home and at work has helped me to let go of old stories and prioritize myself again.  Being able to meet (virtually) with other women experiencing similar challenges was key to helping me implement the tools Andrea taught us and being able to overcome my working-mom guilt.”

– Tatiana


WHAT THEY ARE SAYING about working with me...

“I signed up for The Motherhood Collective because I needed a mindset shift to help guide my thoughts and feelings about motherhood.  I also wanted to connect with other like-minded working moms.  I was dealing with feelings of resentment, loss of independence and freedom, a feeling of ‘Groundhog Day’, and was frustrated with the monotony of motherhood.  Learning to be ok with “good enough” and letting go of telling myself “you should do this” has been a gamechanger and has allowed me to finally start enjoying my maternity leave with my daughter.  It was really nice to get some validation and education that all the things I have been thinking and feeling were valid!”

– D

Want to gain a deeper insight into how motherhood shapes your career journey? 

Join the waitlist and be the first to be notified when the doors open again to The Motherhood Collective in 2024.  Places are strictly limited to keep it intimate and high-impact.  Jump on the list to ensure you don’t miss out and get access to VIP discounts and bonuses!