Andrea Bombino Coaching & Consulting Logo

where career & motherhood meet

Step into a new mindset that fits your career aspirations perfectly, with motherhood built right in. I’ll walk alongside you as you navigate your career and modern motherhood so you can pursue your ambitions while showing up as the kind of woman and mother you desire to be.

It’s time for us to reimagine the way we think about work and motherhood.

join me

Mother and child illustration

You don’t have to be Superwoman to make the whole work/life balance thing a reality

What you need is a way to navigate your career path amongst the challenges and opportunities of modern motherhood.  

While the saying, “nothing prepares you for motherhood” is mostly true, understanding the process of becoming a mother (matrescence) and the identity changes you experience as you journey through motherhood are integral to learning about the woman you are becoming so you can show up as the woman you want to be in all aspects of your life.  

You can do hard things 

Motherhood Can be done differently

Here’s the thing:

I believe motherhood can be done differently

It’s time to untangle the uncertainty surrounding how you can be the career woman you aspire to be while also being the mother you want to be. Is it possible to have it all? What does “all” even mean?!

This is when we bust the work/life balance myth and redefine what balance means to you so you can find methods that work for you and your career in the long term without burning out.

It’s about getting clarity and direction in your career so that you can create a life that lights you up and helps you live your life on purpose.

Why Work With Me?

I Understand You


I’ve climbed the corporate ladder and navigated the complexities of the technology recruitment world on Wall Street.  


I’ve been a top sales performer at LinkedIn – the world’s largest professional networking site, and created programs for women at LinkedIn to navigate the changes in their careers as they become mothers.


My Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and certification in Motherhood Studies means I actually understand the social structure keeping women restricted in the workplace, and my certification and research in matrescence means that I can show you how to navigate the identity shifts you experience in your career as you become a mother.


I’ve planned for and returned from maternity leave amongst a global pandemic, all while being an ex-pat and having little to no local support during some of the strictest lockdowns in Australia.


After 13 years in corporate, and a few years of motherhood, I’ve banged my head against the wall more than I’d like to admit, wondering how to do it all so that I could achieve that perfect mix of work and life. In summary: I’ve given myself enough headaches so that you don’t have to have the same experience!

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING about working with me…


“It was such a breath of deliciously fresh air to have a fellow mama speaking my lingo, live my experience and understand what I was feeling and thinking as I experienced motherhood for the first time, and then navigated my return to work after maternity leave. The feeling that Andrea not only knows, but can provide me with a map to help me navigate my experiences in my own way was SO empowering.”


Yining P.

“Andrea was a great asset in my journey of becoming a new working mum.  She gave me the language and tools that helped me find patience with myself during this time of adjustment and growth.  I’ve learnt that I don’t have to be Superwoman and I am much more at peace being a mum returning to work that doesn’t have to try to do it all, all of the time”.



“Andrea has helped me see the path to my decisions so clearly. She asks questions and frames the situation in a light that empowers me to trust in my own instinct. Her intuitive decision making framework has helped me take stressful situations with family and make them digestible. The coaching Andrea offers is so valuable because it breaks down the root of what is causing the stress, helping you understand for yourself what it is you actually need and want for your motherhood journey.”



“Learning about matrescence with Andrea showed me the importance of creating space and time for myself to transition into motherhood. She taught me the value of acceptance, particularly accepting those things I cannot perfect through research and practice. Andrea showed me that to be a mum is to unabashedly live your truth, whatever that truth may look like.”


Recommended books from Andrea Bombino
Andrea Bombino

Hi! I’m Andrea Bombino

Motherhood & Career Coach and mama

I’m passionate about working with women that want to do motherhood differently. I’ve been where you are- wondering how the hell I could climb the corporate ladder as fast as possible to get to the top, all while trying to show up as the wife and mother I wanted to be (and burning out at the same time).

I did all the things I was “supposed” to do to build a successful career, and was so proud when I landed that coveted promotion at LinkedIn. Cue 5 pregnancy tests (yes, you read that right) that confirmed I was indeed pregnant the very NEXT day. I was immediately freaked out by what motherhood would mean for my career.

Pregnancy was the shortest ramp-up time for a career change that lasts a lifetime, and I had way more questions than answers at first. I’ve gone back to my roots in Sociology and invested time, money and a boatload of effort studying Motherhood and Matrescence so that I could create methods to tackle the uncertainty and overwhelm that can come with having ambitious career goals while being a mother in this modern world, and I’ve been sharing it with women all over the world since launching Made to Mother Co (now called Andrea Bombino Coaching & Consulting).

Matrescence, or the process of becoming a mother, can touch many parts of your life: changes to your relationships, physical transformations, shifts to your social standing, a financial or economic change, an evolution to your career desires, and maybe even a deeper connection to yourself. Going through these identity shifts can be unsettling.

I’m here to help you navigate modern motherhood so you can use it as an opportunity for self-discovery and career growth. I know how tough it can be to plan your career around kids, and how overwhelming it can feel to not know what direction you want to take your life in.

This road can be challenging, but with a few mindset shifts, you can set yourself up to own difficult decisions and situations.  I’d love to help you step into a new mindset that fits your career aspirations perfectly, with motherhood built right in.

You have what it takes within you to navigate these uncharted waters. I know this, because I’ve done it, and I’m sure you’ve done hard things in the past, too. I’m here to help you reignite that belief in yourself and cheer you on.

Andrea Bombino And Husband

Where Career and Motherhood



Ways I can support you

Andrea Bombino | The Motherhood Collective
The Motherhood Collective

The Motherhood Collective

  Learn tangible skills to create work/life balance and navigate your career and modern motherhood alongside other women going through similar life stages. Hosted virtually in a group setting that meets once a week for 8 weeks.

1:1  Coaching with Andrea Bombino
1:1  Coaching with Andrea Bombino

1:1 Coaching

Where traditional Career Coaching takes a mother-centered approach to help you uncover your values and how they fit with your career or business aspirations.  Customised 1:1 coaching to help you clarify your ambitions while navigating modern motherhood and avoiding burnout.

Online Courses Andrea Bombino
Online Courses Andrea Bombino

Online Courses

Access to self-paced courses that allow you to learn and grow on your own time.Learn the basics of what identity changes you can expect as you go through motherhood, methods for managing the challenges you’ll encounter, and ways to navigate your career journey.

Amy Taylor-Kabbaz


Amy Taylor-Kabbaz

“Andrea is one of the most passionate and dedicated matrescence coaches I have had the honour to work with. She brings together a unique perspective on corporate workplace culture and motherhood which helps women break through so many of the barriers and struggles of motherhood. Since first meeting her, she has quickly become a leader in advocacy for mother's in the workplace. It's inspiring to witness.”


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What they’ve loved


“I joined The Motherhood Collective to find coping mechanisms and a reassurance that I wasn’t the only one that felt like they were drowning in motherhood or that I was always one step behind.  Andrea was a great asset in my journey of becoming a new working mum.  She gave me the language and tools that helped me find patience with myself during this time of adjustment and growth.  I’ve learnt that I don’t have to be Superwoman and I am much more at peace being a mum returning to work that doesn’t have to try to do it all, all of the time”. 


Kathleen P.

Andrea allows women to have a safe, open space for discovering what path they want to be on for their journey into motherhood. Andrea is the coach you want by your side when it all hits the fan. She provides insightful, relatable support to help you feel confident to make decisions for your pregnancy and postpartum life and career goals.


Sarah M.

Learning about matrescence with Andrea showed me the importance of creating space and time for myself to transition into motherhood. She taught me the value of acceptance, particularly accepting those things I cannot perfect through research and practice. Andrea showed me that to be a mum is to unabashedly live your truth, whatever that truth may look like.



“Before starting The Motherhood Collective I was starting to feel like I was losing my sense of purpose and direction in life, and I didn’t know how to regain it.  I felt completely blank and anxious every day (for the first time in my life) and confused because I just didn’t know what I wanted anymore.  It was such a breath of deliciously fresh air to have a fellow mama speaking my lingo, live my experience and understand what I was feeling and thinking as I experienced motherhood for the first time, and then navigated my return to work after maternity leave.  The feeling that Andrea not only knows, but can provide me with a map to help me navigate my experiences in my own way was SO empowering.  Andrea helped to validate my feelings and taught me how to start every day with a new mindset and how to take time for myself without guilt.”


“I signed up for The Motherhood Collective to learn more about myself and who I was since becoming a mother.  I needed to learn how to let go of controlling everything and feeling the need to do everything for my daughter on my own and let my partner actually in on the parenting.  There are so many things about motherhood that you go along with without really questioning “why”.  The Motherhood Collective course, and Andrea, unlock those questions and allow you to really look inward, help to shed any negativity, and become the mum you want to be.  Through this program I learned that I wasn’t the only one who was so hard on themself, and that the mental load is real and some things really do need to be offloaded and that’s okay.  Meeting with the other women weekly and hearing their stories and life experiences made me realize I’m not the only one who feels the challenges of motherhood.”


“Andrea is an excellent coach. She truly goes above and beyond and I really looked forward to our time together. From the coaching sessions I got excellent clarity on how I can maximise LinkedIn for my small business.  Most importantly, she coached me through creating my personal and business strategy on LinkedIn and provided many actionable takeaways.  My confidence with LinkedIn has improved tremendously and I have documentation to refer back to. I look forward to an ongoing relationship with Andrea as my business grows.”


Working with Andrea 1:1 helped me learn about who I was since becoming a mother, and allowed me space to figure out what I actually wanted from my career.  Talking with her about carving out specific time to reconnect with who I was before a mom also tied in to my thoughts about the type of job I wanted to take on.  She helped me build my confidence in my own skill set and see all the ways I could add value to a company. Getting my brag bank started was a huge help! After working with Andrea, I felt more confident about what I wanted in a career and how that would be reflected in and shaped by my own family values and needs.

Certifications & qualifications


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